Saturday, January 9, 2010

Communication - Can it really be that simple?

Its amazing what happens when you speak your mind. Ran into a situation, where a group I'm involved in, has started to develop a few issues. These issues had been getting progressively worse, to a point that members were coming to me and complaining. *Note - Don't complain to me, about something that I have no real control over*.

As a group we decided to sit down and talk about the issues. Many things were said, many ideas were shared, and ultimately a few things were discovered. Many people were feeling the same thoughts, and feeling the same pressures and stresses. You know its a funny thing, communication.

When we evolved, we gained the ability as humans to develop words, make sentances, and give voice to our thoughts. Its amazing how many of the same issues that one person faces, can be clearly seen by all of a group's members, if only we take to the time to communicate them.

We as a group, we as a state, we as a nation, and we as a species, need only learn, that to communicate, is to bring problems to light. And only when problems are brought into the light can we begin to work towards solutions.

Now if only someone would have told me about this communication thing, while I was still married.....

1 comment:

  1. Ugh... that last sentence is painful. Like the old adage of real estate being about "location, location, location", marriage is all about communication (times three). Without communication, without grasping the motivations and concerns of the other person, and CARING about those, it just will not work.

    I hope you keep posting, sir. I want to read more.
